Saturday, January 5, 2013

Wrap Up

Raw Podcast:

We had a lot of talking to do today and 6 hours with no combat. At some point soon they are gonna have to start murderizing things or Amulet might explode IRL.

When I talk about gaming the system I'm talking about a method of inherent bonuses I'm giving to the players. Their equipment levels up with them normally. It is not an elegant fix to the fact that I don't care about magic equipment, but it has worked for the game so far.
I make a point of asking at the end of every session what they thought of the session. The only way to get better is to get good feedback.

The Paragon Path note that I brought up was pretty important. Since they are doing specific quests to “unlock” their paragon paths I made it all or nothing. If one player hasn't finished their quest, that means nobody gets their Paragon paths. If they finish it at 10, they get their PPs at 10.

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