Saturday, January 5, 2013



No this isn't talking about what proper "fluffing" is.  It has been a constant struggle to get through to players what 4e's version of refluffing or reskinning of abilities is like.  I decided that the best way to talk about it from here on in, would be to just talk about it.

Wrap Up

Raw Podcast:

We had a lot of talking to do today and 6 hours with no combat. At some point soon they are gonna have to start murderizing things or Amulet might explode IRL.

When I talk about gaming the system I'm talking about a method of inherent bonuses I'm giving to the players. Their equipment levels up with them normally. It is not an elegant fix to the fact that I don't care about magic equipment, but it has worked for the game so far.
I make a point of asking at the end of every session what they thought of the session. The only way to get better is to get good feedback.

The Paragon Path note that I brought up was pretty important. Since they are doing specific quests to “unlock” their paragon paths I made it all or nothing. If one player hasn't finished their quest, that means nobody gets their Paragon paths. If they finish it at 10, they get their PPs at 10.

Back at Kiducan's Shop...

Raw Podcast:

When Sprites speak to one another they do so exclusively through light. Sprites also can change their color at will if they want, but if they don't control their colors they will change to the color when their mood changes. Kiducan doesn't keep his colors under control at all.

Kiducan's true first name is still unknown to the group, but his last name is Cloudhem.

Note: When sprites cast a spell they burn away their lifespan and the character Amulet is a sprite who has done this. Sprites are able to tell if other sprites have cast spells before and have shortened lifespans. Sprites can even tell if another sprite has come in contact with someone who has cast a spell before.

The Jar” discussed in the podcast is an item they have which contains a greater elemental that was cut in half. They are searching for the other half and they know if they open the jar the “half” they have will immediately flow out. Last time they had him even partially unshielded it caused a lot of problem. They explain the plan a little later in the episode.

Since the magic shop scene was getting really long and all over the place I sort of glossed over the gland that Hiwi brought up.

Kiducan mentions Paugle Kulinta, the old head of house before it fell. The PCs know this is the same person who Aaron guards.


Raw Podcast:

I will constantly refer to the Croc Talikma in this episode as being a male, but it is actually a she. I'm bad at life.

Chunkus' hammer is described much like Thor's hammer as being extremely heavy when not in his hands.
House Nasema is another one of the houses. That house is another house that is tied closely to the Port of Blades. They are made up from a lot of individuals that made their money individually. So former adventurers, sell-swords, gladiators, merchants who made their money without the help of a house all unite under the Coins of Nasema.

During this part of the podcast we have a modified skill challenge. This descriptive “fight as a skill challenge” is something that happens whenever there is only one person involved in the skill challenge. At one point I have to get up to describe what the scene looks like so she can get a good example of what to do.

At one point in the podcast Toy and Amulet are given, basically for free, an extremely valuable magic item. In a place where money is power and the houses have all the power it is interesting to see people just accept gifts so nonchalantly...

Meeting Kiducan

Raw Podcast:

Session One Part Seven – The Next Morning and Meeting Kiducan

Kietoch's Blessing
Divine Boon - Utility Power  Encounter (Free Action)
Trigger: You hit a creature with a power with at least two of the keywords Fire, Cold, Lighting, Thunder,
Effect: You slide each creature 1d6 squares.
    Level 11: Increase the slide to 1d6+2 squares.
    Level 21: Increase the slide to 1d6+4 squares.  Creatures who end their slide next to one of your allies grant combat advantage until the end of your next turn.

Utility Power  Daily (No Action)
Effect: Until the end of your next turn you only have to use one of the keywords associated with this boon instead of two in order for the boon to trigger.

During this session I talk about “Spotlighting” specific characters. Right now we are moving through each character as they go through things in game that are story-line justifications for their chosen paragon paths. Much of the game the sessions before I started recording them were centered around Chunkus helping the Aspect of Earth and unlocking his paragon path. Jack has had some paragon introduction as well and the scene with his dice is the climax of that arc.

Again I press the group a little too much leading them out of the inn at the beginning of the session.

Normally when the players are “in town” I just RP it quickly and we move on. However there are a lot of specifics that the players wanted to roleplay so we stayed in real time for the two major stops in town.

Several times now in the podcast I've talked about magicians and how they are different from wizards or mages. In the setting magic is everywhere, but knowledge of how to use that magic and the ability to wield powerful magic is quite rare. Most people with innate magical ability are “magician level” which in mechanical terms means they are only able to cast cantrips. These magicians, however, have a fairly prominent spot in society as workers depending on what they are particularly good at. Some magicians are good at mending things, so they fix pots and broken windows and the like. Others are good at cleaning teeth and function somewhat like a dentist. Broadly speaking the magicians use magic to give the setting a lot of the conveniences of modern living without the technology that goes with it.

When Kiducan's servant comes down from the top floor he hands a list to Iris. I hand the list to Shawn (who is playing Vynn/Iris).

I apologize if Kiducan's voice is annoying to listen to on the recording. If it is any consolation it really hurts my voice to talk like him.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Dovie'andi se tovya sagain

Raw Podcast:

You may have noticed by now that there is a lot of crosstalk at table going on. Generally speaking I encourage people to hold side conversations in character. Sometimes this might be slightly confusing for the recording.

Again, the Shovel symbol is called the “Prayers and a Shovel” for House Kodenavala.

The game of dice at the Chimes takes place over the course of about half an hour.

Reran guards are very well respected as they can see through walls and other sorts of things. They are often brought to make sure things that are happening are actually what is happening. It is generally understood at table when the Reran comes to watch the game it is to make sure he isn't cheating.

A summary of the side conversation during the walk:
The Reran's name is Aaron and he is not usually in the city, but has a lot of sway with the guards. He is well known. He is also currently without a house. Vynn gets from Aaron that his house was Kulinta and that he is following along right now because he has nowhere else to be and doesn't want any trouble in the city. He is a personal bodyguard of the leader of house Kulinta. He talks about his master going to hunt a Bogarsh corrupted creature long ago and returning with his mind broken. This is something the group has encountered a few times so far.

Makaeri – This house is one of the powerful houses in the city. They are linked to the Port of Blades and are very similar to a mob family.

During the dice game Jack looks down at his hands and sort of drunkenly tilts about to roll the dice.

When I talk about magic being used when there is a throw of the dice I talk about magical signature. In my games everyone has a magical signature, something that defines their particular soul in terms of magic. Anyone who is trained in arcana can detect a magic signature. There are ways to hide your magic signature, but it is one of the most relied upon methods of identification in the game world.

Wyrx are roughly equivalent to Gray Renders.

Kietoch is the god of Chaos, luck and randomness. Jack sort of worships Kietoch in his own way and so does Luke.

Luke is Finally introduced!

Raw Podcast:

At the start of this section of the podcast  we are making a reference to a youtube video about the “Cuil Effect”. If you are interested check it out here:

I mention tabards with house symbols on them quite frequently. Knine is a very house-focused city-state and each house keeps their own guards.

“The Shovels” are referencing the symbol of house Kodenavala. The gravedigger house.

Grek – Is a heroic Guarg that the character Chunkus aspires to be. He is considered to be a “side character” by other races tell of their history. There is a story with many names (I will most often refer to it as “The Conquest or The First War” that is similar to the Iliad and Odyssey in our world).

Nav Kulinta – This anfibite is a background character in both Luke and Hiwi's background. He was a riverboat captain on the river. The information that Nav is no longer a riverboat captain and that creatures are acting up in the jungle is something the party has known for a long time, but is just reinforcing this fact.

As a note I should try to not talk over people when they are talking in character. But my group will slow to a complete halt if I don't get things moving sometimes.

Jack is a character that is well known for wining and dining women which explains all the discussion with the waitress. Alan rolls for his self-control in contention with his desires on a regular basis.

Guargs are herbivores so sometimes finding enough green food for him can be a challenge.

“House Kulinta” is a large series of quests for the players in the campaign should they choose to interact with it. This is a good example of how my sandbox works. When Hazel (who plays Hiwi) ran this campaign before they went to Knine soon after character creation and started working with House Kulinta who was under the threat of being dissolved. After getting to know people of that house, and the situation, her group was able to fight back against the forces causing the house to collapse, ultimately saving it and setting themselves up quite nicely in the city.

However, that is what is going on at the start of the campaign timeline. This group is entering Knine three months after that group and so rather than seeing a house nearing collapse the version of the house they interact with is what happens after the house has fallen. They may choose to interact with some members of that house (Nav for example, since he is part of Hiwi's background), but no matter what they do the house has already been dissolved. Basically the pieces continue to move regardless of the character's interaction. The Knine that Hazel knew last time will still have some things in common with the Knine here, but that quest line is drastically altered due to the choices of the PCs.

During the session I forget the word “Caryatid”, which makes me sad as I love that word. It is also rare that you get a chance to use the word. I missed out!  We eventually settle on Plinth, which is close but not Caryatid.

Iris has a crush on Jack in the story line and sometimes Amulet plays Toy so it mimics Iris' actions. When Iris smacked Jack in the back of the head, Toy did as well.